Dickinson Wright Franchise & Distribution Law Newsletter
Download the January 2015 issue of the Dickinson Wright Franchise & Distribution Law Newsletter.
Download the January 2015 issue of the Dickinson Wright Franchise & Distribution Law Newsletter.
Dickinson Wright proudly sponsored the 2105 Canadian Franchise Association’s Law Day in Toronto – January 29, 2015.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently finalized two rules requiring calorie information on menus and menu boards in restaurants and retail food establishments that are part of a chain of 20 or more locations, doing business under the same name, and offering substantially the same menu items.
The Safe Foods for Canadian Act (the Act) received Royal Assent in November 2012 and is anticipated to start taking effect at the beginning of 2015. Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have been busy consulting with stakeholders to develop new Regulations to support the Act.
There is a growing number of Canadian provinces enacting franchise disclosure legislation and a growing number of decided cases providing guidance as to the obligations of franchisors under these statutes. Currently, the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick have such legislation.
Andrae Marrocco facilitated the roundtable discussion on the topic “Acting for US Franchisors entering Canada” at the Ontario Bar Association 14th Annual Franchise Law Conference “Regulation Nation: Franchising in an Era of Increasing Regulation” in Toronto – November 18, 2014.
Dickinson Wright attorneys Ned Levitt, Paul Fransway, Andrae Marrocco and Ted Kalnins attended the 37th Annual American Bar Association Forum on Franchising in Seattle – October 15-17, 2014.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) which serves as the framework for the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (the “Customer Service Standard”) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards (such standards, together, the “Standards”), exists to promote accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises.
How will the proposed legislative changes contemplated by the Ontario Made Pension Plan affect the franchise industry? Dickinson Wright’s franchise lawyer, Andrae Marrocco, will be appearing on Square Off (CHCH Television) to discuss the implications of the new laws.
Download the June 2014 issue of the Dickinson Wright Franchise & Distribution Law Newsletter.