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Dunkin’ Donuts Quebec Case Now Final

The Quebec Court of Appeal’s April 15, 2015 decision is now the last word in a landmark case brought by 21 Dunkin’ Donuts Quebec franchisees against their franchisor, Dunkin’ Brands Canada Ltd. On March 17, 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed, without reasons, the franchisor’s application for leave to appeal the Quebec Court of Appeal decision.

Ontario Employment Standards Audit Manual Now Available

In Ontario, statutory employment standards are established by the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and enforced by the Ministry of Labour (Ministry) through its Employment Standards Program.

Ontario Passess New Legislation Regulating Tips and Gratuities

Ontario restaurants, bars and other businesses with employees who receive some of their pay through tips and gratuities will face new laws governing how these tips are collected and distributed to employees beginning this summer.

Employer’s Guide to the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (the ORPP), will be a provincially-managed plan that, like the Canada Pension Plan, will be funded by equal co-contributions from both employers and employees.

Franchise Disclosure: The Nuts and Bolts

Do your disclosure policies and practices comply with Canadian franchise laws? This webinar provides a concise and practical summary of the key areas of the disclosure process which, if not handled properly, can lead to devastating and unexpected consequences.