On February 1, 2017, the British Columbia Franchises Act and Regulations came into effect making British Columbia the sixth province in Canada with franchise legislation. The introduction of franchise legislation in British Columbia means franchisors operating in the Province will need to create or revise existing franchise disclosure documents (for other Provinces) in order to meet their obligations under the new laws.
While substantially similar to franchise legislation in other provinces, the British Columbia franchise legislation does bear differences that franchisors need to be aware of including those pertaining to:
- Deposits
- Methods of Delivery
- Financial Statements
- Advertising Funds
- Training and Manuals
- Territory and Proximity
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Information on Current and Former Franchisees
- Negative Statements
- Guarantees and Security Interests
To learn more about the British Columbia franchise legislation or for assistance in creating or making necessary changes to your franchise disclosure documents, please contact me.
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This article is published to inform clients and contacts of important developments in the field of franchise and distribution law. The content is informational only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. We encourage you to consult a Dickinson Wright attorney if you have specific questions or concerns relating to any of the topics covered here.